Should I drop out of college?

So i’ve just started my 3rd year of college and I feel like i’m way behind education wise. Two years have gone by and i’m still taking irrelevant gen-eds like greek tragedy, ethics, shakespeare, and marketing. It feels like i’ve spent the last 2 years studying topics that are useless and i’ve learned hardly anything about finance. I’ve been taking classes full time and haven’t failed any of them so i’m not behind on finishing my degree.

I just looked at my colleges finance program and realized there's only one semester worth of finance classes for my finance major, and a good chunk of them are electives. I’m worried that i’m going to learn hardly anything relevant to jobs in finance, one semester at the end seems like way too little. I’m worried that i'm going to have to spend $40k on a masters degree or spend years on self-education after I graduate just to learn the basic skills needed to function in a job in this field.

I don’t feel like i’ve opened my mind or that I can think on a higher level like everyone says happens in college. I also feel like i’m spending way too much money for the quality of education i’m getting. I feel like I would have a lot more money and would know way more about finance if I did a certification program and took online classes instead. This field is all about making good decisions with money so why would an employer hire someone who spent an outrageous amount of time and money to learn something when they didn’t have to?

I signed up for college thinking I would learn how to do a job but it’s been 2 years and nothing proves that idea to be true, it just feels like highschool 2.0. Should I just drop out or will it change towards the end?