PS4 Controller dropping movement inputs, need an alternative
Heya folks! Been playing Guilty Gear Strive and hoping to at some point go to EVO maybe next year just for the experience and to have a good time! However PS4 controller dpads tend to not play well with me as of recent, especially when on P2 side.
I'm looking for a PC/PS4/5 compatible controller that has some solid input, preferably without the extra 2 buttons like fightpads have where it has Tri/X/O/Sq/R1/R2 as face buttons. Does such a thing exist that's good/decent quality? I don't enjoy fight sticks that much nor hitboxes and I tried the Hori octa but the diagonal inputs on that are kinda dog water. I don't really have plans to try other games with it, GGSt is really the most fun I've had!