Winners guilt?
Hey y'all. I'm not an avid fighting game player, only really have dedicated time on fighterz and more recently GG strive.
I come to ask, does anyone else feel bad for stomping a new/newer player? I'm talking about when there isn't even really a fight and the other player can't do anything.
Because personally it feels bad for me. It feels like I brought a gun to a knife fight, and I dont want to push new players away from the games I love especially since strive doesn't exactly have the most thriving OCE servers. And I also know how it feels to be on the receiving end of a beating and how hopeless it feels.
I also want to ask y'all, when your getting into a new game and it's obvious the other player is way better than you. Would you prefer they went easy and let you have fun, or do you prefer they
TL:DR does anyone else feel bad for stamping new players? And if you are a new player to a fighting game, do you prefer your opponent hold back a bit or go all out?