I want to main fiddle but he is insanely macro difficult. Any tip could help

As you can see here in the tilte i am a low elo player who plays the game for fun and an Akali one trick. Recently stumbled on Fiddle because he seems like an EXTREMELY fun champ. When i tried Fiddle the problem is i feel like as fiddle i am so weak in so many scenarios and get Killed/oneshot by anyone pretty easily. Also for some reason i can't seem to activate his effigy idle 2.5 seconds passive(no extra fear on R or E why is that pls pls someone explain) and his whole Vision enemies passive is so confusing to me that in combination with his weak early and 1v1 makes him feel very punishable and very hard. Please Fiddlemains give me Advice to play fiddlesticks i am in love with the champ. Any tip will do it.