Mobility assistance?

Hi! I'm currently looking to replace my doctor, as her nurse practitioner loves to say things are "not for people like [me]" when it comes to assistance or accommodations. I'm sure a lot of us have heard that over the years. So! I'm hoping y'all may have some insight on these things!

I've seen posts multiple times about canes, but I don't know the first thing about them. It's very appealing, especially given the increasing intensity of my flares. It sounds like the best option, but where do I start? I know there are two different ways to use a cane, too. Any advice on height, style, or method of use would be great!

I get muscle spasms that primarily affect the upper half of my body, which then take their toll on the lower half. I have trick knees on top of that! I'm actually seeing a chiropractor before work today for sciatic pain that resulted. Thank you all in advance for your responses!