Rant: The Pressure & Time Drain of Female Beauty Standards
I honestly have a love/hate with beauty. I just hate how much time and effort it takes to be considered “beautiful.”
Even though, I consider myself quite pretty I’ll see these extreme beautiful women on TikTok, and suddenly, I also want to be that beautiful. But then I realise, the time, money, and effort it takes is just NOT feasible for me.
For example, for me just going to the nail salon feels like a waste of my time and already getting hair laser removal treatment costs so much money.
And I hate that there is all this pressure on women to put time and investments into the way we look. Meanwhile, men can be balding and barely make an effort to meet beauty standards. Most don’t even bother with a simple fix like a hair transplant.
It makes sense, though. Historically, women had no real power unless we were desirable. We couldn’t work, own property, or build wealth, so our only shot at security was being beautiful enough to attract a rich husband.
And what frustrates me the most? Imagine what women could create if we didn’t have to spend so much of our time meeting beauty expectations.