Another Oral Minox Gratitude Post

Here’s my minox success story. Photos taken 1.5 years apart. I’ve had hair loss since 2013.

I, like many others, was worried about taking minox for fear of side effects. Eventually, after spending so much money and time on MANY unsuccessful treatments, my mental exhaustion from monitoring my follicles, brought me to give oral minox try. I took 1.25mg for the first year. My shed wasn’t too bad and I noticed minimal growth.

Upping it to 2.5mg has transformed my life. In the last six months, my hair has significantly increased density and thickness. I haven’t needed to wear supplemental hair or use fibers in 2 months. The relief from constantly worrying about my hair has done more for my mental state that I can describe.

I realize my experience may be unique, since I have genetically thick hair. But if you’re in the fence, tired of worrying all the time, and have the resources to access medication, I highly, highly recommend giving it a try (or increasing your dosage). For me, it’s been all upside.