Everyone Talks About Getting Compliments, But What Was Your Worst Experience Wearing Fragrance?

So I just had the creepiest experience out yesterday. I went to a home improvement fair with my mother yesterday. As we walked around, a couple of men stopped us to talk about solar panels.

As we stood there, one of the men stopped and said to me, "I like your fragrance." I said thank you politely and turned back around. Next thing I hear from being me is a "HHHHHHRRRRRRNNNNNNNK!"

The perve was literally sniffing me...LOUDLY from behind 🤮. I spent the rest of the time infront of their booth walking around in circles (to put distance between us) and attempting to signal for my mother to leave.

This is not the first time something similar has happened. A different guy did something similar once at my job (Im normally in my office, except 1 day a week where its my turn to work with the public). It wasn't as obnoxious, but he liked my frag way too much. I put away my Muglier Goddess Supra Floral that day, only to be worn in the summer when I am safely away from men.

Now this combo is going into the 🗑 as well.🤮🤮🤮

If anyone has suggestions for fragrances that repell men, I'm down.

Anyways, please share your stories about your weird/ worst experiences with frags.