Fuck it, Funger but Pokémon

Okay, so I have two concepts, one for the og 4 as Pokémon trainers, and the other I’m trying to make Fakemon of. Bear with me I have thought about this for too long.

Cahara definitely runs a team of annoying but effective Pokémon. Eviolite Murkrow for Prankster support and Foul Play, Gholdengo bc he found a bunch of the coins and didn’t realize they weren’t legal tender until trying to spend them, and FEAR Ratatta are some things that come to mind. Maybe a Weavile if he deserves it.

D’arce would have a fairy type team (fairy type is usually considered the light type, and I can’t think of anything better to give to her that wouldn’t encroach on possible Termina theme teams) with staples such as Tinkaton and Sylveon, and then immediately ditching the fairy type them bc there is not a lot of fairy types that fit with our favorite girlfail, I’m giving her Audino bc it’s mega is fairy type but she does not have an Audinite.

Enki gives me Hypno Trainer vibes for some reason, but I’m also giving him Grimmsnarl, a Lokix, and a Shedinja. So far the easiest character to assign type specialties.

Ragnvaldr is interesting in terms of what I’d give him. First and foremost, Mightyena. No questions asked. In addition, he gets a Marowak, a Poliwrath, and if he’s good, he can have a Kommo-o (but not in the dungeons, no Psudolegends for balance reasons)

Please give me any questions or suggestions for other Pokémon they might get :3