[MtF4A] The Curse of the Ancient Elven Choker
Though the elves died out thousands of years ago, their legend never faded away. After all, how could it? To this day, nothing is quite prized like elven wears. Their architecture still stands to this day. The ruling class live in their lavish manors and palaces. Their jewelry is still prized across the lands. And elf woven clothing, though rare nowadays, is still the finer than anything we humans can hope to make.
And then there are the sagas. The tale of the great elven wars. A true underdog story that shaped our society. Humans, once the lower class under the elven empire, the slaves, the servants, rose up and broke off their chains. Slaughtered their masters, dragged their leaders into the streets and slaughtered them. Their strength, their strategy, even their magic couldn't withstand the overwhelming numbers of the humans. Who didn't stop until every single member of the race was wiped clean from the land.
Well that was the story anyway. If humans were good at anything, it was embellishing to make us look better. Not that it bothered me, humanities love for elven shit paid the bills. Even thousands of years on, there was no shortage of elven artifacts out there. You just need to know where to look. Scrounging around in the ancient cities was enough to get by, but what really paid the bills was when I got wind of some unexplored elven ruins. And that is exactly where I am today.
It was strange, really. To find a fresh set of ruins was rare enough, I was lucky to get a good lead on more than one a year. But to find one so close to the capital? Unheard of. All were picked bare thousands of years ago. I thought it most likely a con when I heard of it, but some strange impulse in me took the risk and paid for the information.
And so here I stand, before a large, unassuming rock in the dead of night, watching the full moon streak across the cold, hard winter ground. I felt a little ridiculous now, believing what I had.
When the moon strikes the rock, a rune will appear. Touch the rune and you will find your prize.
More likely, a group of bandits in his employ will meet me here before long and take what little coin I didn't pay the man already. But still I couldn't take the chance. If this was real......
Two hours later and at last. A blue glow from the rock catches my eye, and I rush up to it. As soon as my palm touches, it shimmers and disappears, as though it were never there. A rock passageway lit up by magical blue flame heads into the depth of the earth.
As I descend, I enter into a room as grand as any I had ever seen, more so even than the palaces. Adorned from head to toe by gold and gems, trinkets and crafted pieces. More than I could hope to carry. But in the center, something draws my eye. What looks to be a raised marble coffin. And in the center, one exquisite piece unlike any I had ever seen.
I walk closer, unable to pull my eyes away from the piece. My body reacts without me even thinking about it. Plucking it from it's perch, holding it before my eyes. An adorned choker, more beautiful than anything worn by the queen herself. But my hands act without me telling them to, reaching around behind my neck and snapping it closed.
I panic, as I immediately start to feel funny. The perfectly crafted marble reflects my image in the bright magical light as my form starts to change. I watch myself shrink, at first, my features being softer. More feminine. Hair growing. The tips of my ears narrowing to a point. Until staring back at me is a completely alien female elf.
Yeah that was a bit more than I planned to write going into it. But hopefully I set the scene a bit! I wanted to provide some background to the world.
So my character starts as someone who has made his living plundering the last remaining culture of the ancient elven race. Only to find himself a central part of this culture! I'm happy to discuss the specifics of what the choker actually is. The idea I had in place was that it was that this hidden ruin was the tomb of the final elven queen. The choker could possess her very spirit itself, and my character's new form could mirror her old one. Or the choker might just be a trap for when the humans do find it, one final fuck you for the poor sucker who finds it and is drawn to snap it closed around his neck. What really matters is what happens next.
So, my character is now stuck in this strange body. Being the last remaining elf will likely draw some attention. As will the body itself, being as stacked as can be. I would also quite like for the choker to exude a certain oral affinity on my character. Essentially, he will be very drawn to sucking cock. Happy for this to relate to the elven queen's personality should we go this route, she might have had a particular method of diplomacy she favored! Or, again, it would be a great final fuck you to one poor human in particular.
So, where do you come in? Good question! Any ideas? This is open to GMs and people who wish to play a specific role in this world alike. If you GM I am very happy to craft the world and discuss ideas with you. If you have a particular character in mind, tell me about them! I am happy for this to be a long term thing if the vibes are good, or just a quick one shot.
For the kinks, I'd recommend taking a look at my kinklist. Some I am specifically looking to play out are feminization, a heavy oral fetish, non-con, dub-con, humiliation, degradation and raceplay (specifically relating to elven things here!). The kinks area pretty dark, and I do really enjoy dark scenes. But I prefer to employ a touch of porn logic and good humor to lighten them up a bit between the dark scenes, so I hope you can match those vibes!
I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+!
I think that'll do it. Hope you enjoyed, if you did I would love to hear from you!