The Next 'Game of Thrones'... or Not

Is anyone else thinking about the next great fantasy series? Do you think we can get a Game of Thrones level series.. Witcher was good but (some) people want something more epic and perhaps stand alone. Honestly, shows like Knightfall are closer. But perhaps it won't be another *epic fantasy saga* or something familiar like Lord of the Rings .. it might just be an epic book series. Will nothing "replace" Game of Thrones? Will epic fantasy return to the realm of books? Or will we get more great fiction series dealing with fantasy themes..

How do you feel about fantasy series and what would you want to see? I'm also into book and non-fantasy, including fannish things. At this point, I'm just wondering about fantasy series and expectations, especially during this rough period of time. *This is not a strictly Game of Thrones related post. IF this makes it non-GoT content, I'm sorry.