25% through Malice (Faithful and the Fallen Book 1) and having a rough time keeping track of everyone.
Taking notes so far, trying to keep track. Wanted to share them here (since I can't post on the actual sub-Reddit) and it seems like the wiki for the series is very sparse.
If I can get some traction on this post though, I'm definitely more than happy to go update the wiki with whatever information we collectively decide is accurate. Either way, here is what I have so far:
POV Chapter Characters:
1. Corban & Cywen
a. Main character and his sister
b. Training with the…old guy that runs the stable?
c. Went off into the forest and came across some magician guy or something that wanted him to do some questionable stuff
2. Veradis
a. Following Prince Nathair now or and guarding him or something
b. Tried to save the prince by jumping through fire, but he was totally fine
c. Has some lucky chainmail
d. Fought off some giants and I think they got the Starstone Axe?
e. Fights/hates the Hunen? Not sure who they are.
3. Kastell
a. Working with a band of mercenaries
b. Home is the fortress of Mikil
c. Maybe he’s kinda royalty from Mikil I think because Romar
d. Heading to Halstat (I think he got there, and that’s how he met Veradis)
e. Jael is his cousin (and they are not chums)
4. Envis
a. Guy from the prologue who made some weird blood sacrifice or something
b. Councellor to King Brenin
c. Secretly worked for Braith as an Assassin
d. Killed Corban’s friend and his family by burning down the barn I think?
e. Looking for some book and trying to heal his wife
f. Trying to resurrect Asroth?
g. Bringing about the god-war?
5. Camlin
a. In charge of some crew?
b. Hanging out woth Goran
6. Ventos
a. Some other POV later on that I haven’t seen yet
Other Characters:
1. Royalty in the…main kingdom:
a. King Brenin
i. Main king dude
ii. I think he’s big into this prophecy about the black sun and the…white star?
b. Queen Alona
i. Main queen chick
c. Princess Elona?
i. Main princess, and for some reason is buddies with Corban/Cywen
d. Prince Nathair
i. A near-main character we see a lot through Veradis
ii. Trying to negotiate/ally with these island folks his dad is not all about
2. Royalty in…other kingdoms:
a. Rhin
i. Queen of some other land?
ii. Nathair is kinda digging her
iii. Super smart and sassy and kinda not chill
iv. Veradis is super sus about her
b. King Romar
i. Jael’s dad, so Kastell’s uncle
c. Jael
i. Prince of wherever King Romar hangs out
d. King Fidele
i. King of Tenebral
e. Queen Aquiilus
i. Queen of Tenebral
3. Kids and Adults that live in Corban’s village:
a. Rafe
i. Bully #1
b. Crain
i. Bully #2
c. Dath
i. Corban’s buddy
d. Brina
i. A healer of some sort
4. People with Kastell’s Mercinary Crew:
a. Maquin
i. Kastell’s shieldman who I think maybe died sacrificing himself for Kastell?
b. Aguila
i. Captain of the mercenary guard
5. People with Veradis’ gang and I guess Nathair:
a. Rauca
i. Warrior buddy of Veradis and Nathair I think
b. Heb
i. Reluctant loremaster
6. Characters I know basically nothing about:
a. Braith
i. I think a god maybe?
b. Asroth
i. I think a god maybe?
c. Helfach
d. Owain
e. Pendathran
i. Uncle of Marrock
f. Marrock
i. Nephew of Pendathran
g. Halion
h. Counsellor Meical
i. Mandros
i. Father of Gundal
ii. Something about Carutan?
j. Gundul
i. Son of Mandros