Clubsport DD Still Disconnecting in 2025?
My brand new Clubsport DD seems to disconnect randomly. I tried the newest firmware which is 464 if I recall correctly, and I was constantly losing ffb for a split second about once or twice per lap. I then gave the legendary firmware 455 a shot and it seems to lose ffb randomly every 5 mins now, but it will disconnect for multiple seconds now rather than a split second. So far I’ve had the same problem with my McLaren GT3 wheel and Formula V2.5.
I’ve even given disabling and uninstalling fanalab a shot, didn’t work. There doesn’t seem to be any recent threads on the forums or Reddit addressing this issue, so I figure everyone must’ve found a fix for it or something?
Included in the video is an example of one of my incidents. Ffb just falls completely off out of the blue and may/may not come back, but I can still steer it seems. It’d be greatly appreciated if someone can offer some advice before I try to ultimately RMA it.