Searching for Old Skyrim Fic Featuring Serana Ship

As the title says, I once read a fic years ago, I want to say at least 4-5 years, that feature a female protagonist set in the Elder Scrolls universe. If I remember correctly it was written in first person, and the beginning of the story had the protagonist living on her own in an isolated cabin in the middle of winter. A small family ends up at her doorstep and she takes them in, and then through some strange series of events, she then ends up a pawn in a fight between two of the Daedric princes within the first like 10 chapters.

I cannot remember if she was supposed to be Dragonborn, as I didn't read far enough, but I DO remember that Serana was the main ship for the main character. I've been looking for it for on and off for a while and am finally asking here if anyone might know what I'm talking about? It was recommended to me by a friend at the time, and I believe he told me that the author had multiple fics featuring this protagonist, if that helps narrow it down at all.

Might anyone know what fic or author I'm talking about?

QUICK EDIT: If I recall correctly the fic was on AO3, but I can't say that with 100% certainty, but I'm more than 50% confident it was.