Difficulty enjoying reading fics as a writer... Does anyone else feel like this?
I always love to read and write, but I just am a writer naturally. But tonight I tried to read a fic for once, but can't turn off my writing consciousness while reading so I find a lot of faults in the fic, thus making it unreadable to me. Does that make sense? Like, I'm reading a fic and really trying to enjoy it but get lost in what this story needs in order to be better - the characters often fall flat, the scenes are unnecessary filler/irrelevant to the plot or just downright nonsensical/unbelievable/unrealistic. Even when literary devices are never taken advantage of when it would benefit my attention span and interest, it makes me mad that I could write a fic better than the writer at times. It's some of the reasons I don't really read fics at all.
Don't get me wrong, I love reading, and there are a lot of really good fics out there, but they are just hard to find when you are very articulate and picky. I guess when you're more of a heavy reader/don't do much fanfic writing, you can tune it out. Maybe you read/consume so many fanfics, you can become desensitized to it all. Does anyone else feel this way??