what is your favorite kind of fic?
Each fandom is different, I feel like. Some prefer gritty, realistic, heartwrenching stories while some just want something fluffy or smutty and short to read by the fire. Some fandoms really can't decide and just give you a mix of all of the above. So it got me really curious to know if, as an overall, there's a type of fic that appeals to people more than others.
- Angst & heartbreak / Fluff & Humor / PWP?
- canon-compliant / canon-divergent / AUs?
- Out of character / Character compliant ?
- Slow Burn / Fast Burn?
- Long fics / One-shots
- Favorite themes, tags & dynamics?
Tell me, what's your poison of choice—or at least the one you're drawn to the most? Be as vague or specific as you want, even use examples from your fandoms and favorite fics if you want, I'm curious!