Finished Kai, my thoughts (warning: rant, spoilers)

I started this series some 8 years ago with CS1 and I've played every Trails game since then. Replayed every game at least once. Trails came to mean a lot to me and has given me many good memories and fun times. But I've become increasingly disappointed, especially after the train wreck that was Kuro 2, but I decided to give Falcom another chance and see if Kai could turn things around.

Despite low expectations, I'm still disappointed. I'm kinda angry, but you get angry about things you care about right?


My number one complaint with this arc and series in general. It's SO painfully slow. Trails has always been a slow-burn series, but it's getting ridiculous now. This is the 3rd game in the arc, 13th game in the series, after a filler game, and it's still a build up game with no real pay off yet? That's 300+ hours of gameplay this arc and it only feels we're getting to the meat in the last 2 hours of Kai. It's kind of amazing how much Falcom can drag things out and waste your time. Endless amounts of yapping somehow saying nothing. Story threads that go nowhere. It feels like you're getting fed a few scraps of meaningful story and character development per chapter - per game, even. Probably the main unique selling point of Trails is its over-arching story and characters, but it moves forward so slowly. Just get on with it already! I was already losing the will to live by the end of Act 1.


I feel the quality of the writing in Trails has declined a lot over time and Kai continues the trend. What's with all the contrived reasons to have us fight our allies all the time? Usually to 'test your resolve' or some variation. The first boss of Kevin's route is... Kevin? Then the first boss of Rean's route is Hermes. Then we fight Judith and Quatre in the Grim Garden because they get mind-controlled by Ulrika because reasons. Then we also fight Ashen, Rixia, Yun Ka-Fai. And Shizuna, Kasim and some more I've forgotten, and the final boss is Rene. It's like we spend the whole game fighting each other. Can we like, fight some bad guys? I'm not very motivated to fight an ally because of some contrived BS reason. Then at the end of the fight everyone is friends again as if it never happened. This trend really started in CS4 and I hate it. It feels there's no stakes.

They've also done the whole 'bring back dead characters from previous game, wearing a stupid mask' nonsense again. Basically everyone who died in this arc has now been revived? One of the things people liked about Kuro 1 was that people seemed to die and stay die. So much for that. I actually laughed out loud when they brought back Jacamo. I was half-expecting to see Loewe again. No doubt in Kai 2 they will find a way to undo all the deaths in Creil Village.

The whole 'mysterious person doing some experiment fights you, says cryptic thing, then teleports away' thing got old a LONG time ago, too.

Go back and play a bit of Sky or Crossbell and it's amazing how far the writing has fallen.


There are some interesting and likeable characters, but it's sad how little development they have received. Van, Elaine have developed little since Kuro 1. Risette, how did she lose her body? Bergard should be an interesting character but nothing much gets done with him. This guy saw the Salt Pale, has been all over Zemuria. Aaron, Feri, Quatre get little development in Kai either. Most of the interesting stuff is in the optional Connect Events which shouldn't really be the case. Only Agnes had much development. I was also hoping to learn more about Mare and the Grendel, but alas. Also Falcom baited us again with the promo material featuring the Grandmaster and Nina, but both barely feature in the game. Even fake screenshots. They pulled the same trick with Reverie.


The Reverie-like structure of this game (3 routes, a 'reverie corridor' etc) seems more suited to an epilogue game. Why does Van and the ASO cast, whose story is nowhere near concluded, have to share half the game with characters from previous games? It made sense in Reverie/Sky the 3rd, but not here in the middle of an arc with their story and characters still so undeveloped. I really like Kevin and the picnic squad, but his route seems extraneous.

The Grim Garden is more filler that didn't need to exist, just like the Garden in Kuro 2. The Reverie Corridor in Reverie was rather fun because of the fan-service, epilogue nature of the game, a playground where you could make your favourite characters OP. But not in the middle of a setup game where I'm begging for the main story to finally progress.

I feel Kai is made worse by the existence of Kuro 2. If we went straight from Kuro 1 to Kai it would be more palatable. But another slow, padded build-up game after the filler that was Kuro 2 is a hard pill to swallow. The Calvard arc has been badly mismanaged by Falcom.

There's a lot more to say, but I won't be playing Kai 2. I'm calling it a day here on this series, I'm not enjoying it any more. I'll probably just watch the important cutscenes on YouTube and save myself a lot of time and money.