Why is Cold Steel so polarising in opinions in the community?
So I'm about to start CS4 and I've thoroughly enjoyed my time through CS1-3 and imo CS3 has been my favourite of the 3 so far.
I've seen plenty of opinions on each game in the series and something I find very common is that people either seem to put the cold steel games at the bottom or the top of their lists. I've seen people say the games are 10/10, the best in the series, followed by people who absolutely hate them and think they're garbage (I even saw someone say CS4 was disgusting which, uhh idk what that even means LOL)
I'm just curious as to why there seems to be such polarising opinions. I feel like the Sky trilogy and Crossbell duology have nowhere near as much of these polarising opinions. I have a fair few theories as to why, maybe the insane length of the arc burnt a lot of people out, or maybe they just aren't interested in the much more political side of the story (even though I feel trails has always been political), or the incredibly large cast of characters that make people feel overwhelmed. I know some people completely hate some characters too, which may be exacerbated because Cold Steel is the most anime "tropey" arc so far. I'm quite curious as to what you guys think, open to discussion here.
Edit: Reading a few of the replies, I would rather a more objective look rather than the few biased ones I'm already seeing. I love cold steel but I think it's so easy to just tunnel vision on your hate or love for the game without having some nuance and discussing the other side of the argument.
Edit 2: Thank you all so much for all the very detailed and fascinating replies. I didn't expect such a strong response from so many people especially to a random question I was wondering while bored at work. Safe to say, I'm definitely not bored anymore haha. I'll stop replying since I'm still at work, but I'm quite happy with the responses and I have newfound respect for this community :D