Why isn't Rufus being bars in CSIII
Ok so I've been rushing through the games since they have become my new hyper fixation.
During the last few parts of CSII when class VI sides with the imperial army (instead of remaining neutral, I mean they helped the army all the way through so I don't get why they kept saying they wanted to stay neutral till the end) and stops cayenne's plans, the civil war comes at an end and everyone gets to go back to their lives. Cool and all, but why did known collaborators and leaders of the noble alliance and provincial army got away scot-free?
For one Rufus Albarea for a time collaborated with Ouroborus, and even if he was on the side of the chancellor that still doesn't change the fact that everyone saw him lead part of the provincial army into battle, but now he gets to be the leader of Crossbell. I don't get how the chancellor was able to essentially convince everyone in the higher spheres to accept that, and that goes for Aurelia too.
So far I'm at chapter 2 of CSIII, if anyone could explain it without getting into too many spoilers that would be much appreciated.