I feel like a weak minded man sometimes.

Long story short, my dad and I had an arguement about Trump- I'm Canadian by the way. He's showed me a clip where Trump 'eliminated' the Department of Education in the states. And that's fucking horrific. Education IS power, and by ELIMINATING the Department of EDUCATION it is STRIPPING the people of their POWER. And that's on top of ALL OF THE OTHER BULLSHIT.

I am SO thankful to be Canadian, but I am TERRIFIED of the idea that Trumps ideas and MAGA ideologies will spread and become more relevant here in Canada. Everyone on my dad's side are MAGA supporters and major Trump supporters, despite being Canadian. I will never understand why.

My dad kept just saying Trump is trying to make American 'normal' and he's trying to bring 'normalcy' back. I went off on a bunch of tangents, explaining that just because gay and trans people exist, doesn't mean we're the reason why the education system may be bad. I was trying to explain to my dad what something as simple as pattern recognition is. And by comparing history, to now, we're all going down a very VERY bad path. And I'm not only scared but fucking PISSED about all of this.

It will take too long to explain every detail of the spiraling I went through trying to get him to understand. Fuck, I even cried infront of him over this, and none of this is actually affecting my rights yet. But it didn't work. He claims to understand, but I know he was just saying that to calm me down. I went on for an hour if not more, atleast my words were well worded and my thoughts and emotions were communicated well, but he simply wasn't understanding. He was hearing me speak, heard a few key words, but I know it didn't register for him. At all. And it never will.

I understand that nothings happening in Canada, I do highly believe it will happen at some point. I believe Peirre will get in, and although he claims to focus on economics and how weak it is here now, I know his veiw on trans people is very up in the air.

I hate that things got to this point, and I hate that it's taking control of me in such a manner. There's nothing I can do and I feel so powerless.