my left and right hand problem

I've always used the mouse in my right hand up until the age of about 24 playing mmos and simple stuff I never played any shooters I can play none stop with my right hand without and problems the movements are fluid using fingertip grip all though a little bit slow but very fluid controlled relaxed

when I got obsessed with csgo I switched to my left hand because I felt I lacked coordination with my right hand it took me ages to adapt but eventually I did and it felt much better for csgo specifically

I've noticed I have terrible mouse control with my left hand compared to my right I've created terrible habits like tension in certain fingers with my grip but compensated with the gained speed and coordination from my arm and wrist

I've tried coming away from csgo and playing more casual clicking games like LOST Ark

issue I've got is I'm trying to use a lighter grip trying to use full range of motion with my fingers but it's like I don't have the control to do it and things get forced I get left with broken feeling fingers and wrist

I'm really confused because I can do it with my right hand no problems

my thought is if I can get the the full range of motion and finger control I get with my left hand like I have with my right hand it will be better overall as I've must better coordination with my wrist arm elbow shoulder

Am I crazy
