My take on new *Hunt the Titan* mission
First of all... THANK YOU. You have no idea how incredibly happy I am to see new content. I got really exciting! I'd love to contribute to make it better.
- I'd say it would be nice to defend the Mist Titan Tracker first, building a fort around it while it *recharges* for a bit, like some other missions the device need some energy to work from and this would make the mission a little longer and varied.
My guys here thought it needed defense😂
- The missions feels empty. Need voice lines to introduce or explain the mission, it would be great to have Ray back here.
Minnor issues
- Instead of one single Locate the Mist Titan track that replaces with a new one every time, i'd use a "progress target” using a counter (such as 0/4) indicating the number of tracks collected with respect to the final goal.
- The titan's main attack is based on jumping over and over again. I would like to see another type of strategy from the boss. Also mention that I find the way he jumps a bit unnatural. Too fast. Like some animation principles are not being followed to make it look believable.
Things i loved
A new mission!
The music around the titan.
Nice storm visual on Hunt the Titan missions in mission selector menu.
How do I defeat the boss
I mainly use storm king's wrath for the crystals and commando spitfire minigun build in last stage. Also healing pad traps. Lynx Kassandra build seems a great option too.