Does anyone have any tips for the killers?(Read desc for more info)(Images pretty related)
I need some help with the killers as a mobile player,ill list the stuff that i need help with down here. If anyone could give me some tips to improve at least some of the stuff listed below i would really appreciate it! (The following Images are my level with eacy killer)
DEVICE:mobile KILLER WINS:89(mostly from C000lkidd and 1x1x1x1)
STAMINA MANAGEMENT:im already learning some of it,but it still feels way too hard,especially with Jason and John Doe against survivors who have a great stamina management or some like Guest1337
COUNTERING SURVIVORS:i know its a pretty simple subject,but i still have some trouble against Guest1337,shedletsky,good 007n7 and Noob players and great jukers(mostly TwoTime and Elliot)
MAP ADAPTATION:honestly,i dont even know if its possible to make killers good in maps that they're bad at,but i personally have a pretty hard time as some killers in certain maps,like with 1x1x1x1 in Yorick's resting place,for example
PREDICT:im pretty bad at predicting where survivors are gonna go,and i dont know if there is a way to get better at it,unless being experient with that certain survivor and knowing what are they possibly going to do next
ABILITY USAGE:Sometimes i use gashing wound,walkspeed override,entanglement,etc way too early or late,and i also am pretty bad with that managing stuff,especially when im in a rush because the timer is about to end,making it harder to know when,where and how to use these abilities correctly
PING:I usually peak 150-300,but idk how i could make it better so it lags less(aside from playing at an area that has a better internet)
STAMINA MANAGEMENT:As a short-range killer,Jason is extremly dependant of his stamina,and letting it reach 0 is pratically a free escape for the survivor,and im not that bad with his stamina management,but sometimes i panick too much trying to get a survivor that i end up letting it reach 0 and therefore not getting them
GASHING WOUND:i barely hit any gashing wounds because i tend to use it at times i panick the most as a last-resort to try and get nearby survivors,but somehow they keep dodging and i dont know how to make it more unpredictable for the survivors
GASHING WOUND BUG:that one really annoying bug that makes ig deal 20 dmg instead of 50-70
RAGING PACE:i dont really know when to use it,and most of the times the survivors end up escaping because i attack and always land besides them,letting them escape easier
LMS:i dont really know how to deal with most survivors at LMS using Jason because of his "short range" and stamina management
PIZZA DELIVERY:most of the times i use it,i try to use it to block paths like the mountain and house at glass houses or one of the Drakobloxxer exhibit's entrances at C00l carnival,but somehow they always manage to sneak past it or getting so far away that they just die or switch targeted
CORRUPT NATURE:its pretty hard to aim it on mobile,and i dont usually go into first person for it,so idk what i could do to use this ability better
WALKSPEED OVERRIDE:i dont really know when to use it,most of the times i end up hitting it,but sometimes i just go past the survivors or just straight up miss then by miles even tho my character is aimed at them,and sometimes the hitbox hits but it doesnt count as a hit,therefore they dont take damage
JOHN DOE:basically his entire set and playstile. i am HORRIBLE with John Doe and i cant use him for the life of me
TIMINGS:i still dont know how to time his abilities right,cause most of the times i just miss then(even tho they hit the survivors most of the times)
JUKING:1X cant deal with jukers very well,and i am TERRIBLE against them,i really need some tips against jukers
REJUVENATE THE DEAD:i dont know if i should use it with 3-2 pepole left or at LMS. Either way i cant use it correctly and always end up spawning minions at the most useless places
Guest1337:i hate him. Most Guest players always get in my way trying to protect the survivors at all costs and trying to get my block. Its not that bad with the others,but 1x?its a whole different story
Again,constructive criticism and tips would be really helpfull,thank you and good day or night!