Aaaand all my luck is officially used up this year, just before Oberon banner
I was planning to save for Oberon, but the gacha got the better of me, threw my tickets at the Christmas banner for a couple of event CE, got NONE! But I got Vritra, I'm not sure how good she is but she is my first and only 5* lancer, but that didn't remain the case for too long, as my bonus login is just in few days I decided to do one multi for Melusine....I know most people would consider this a dumb move for a F2P wasn't planning to roll for her anyway because she has a banner next year 29mil download banner, in fact this banner has 2 lancers, so I'd be likely wasting my SQ BUT! again the gacha got the better of me and BAM! rainbow summon🌈 my gamble paid off, I know as a new player I rant a lot about this game but sometimes these moments make it worth it. Anyway I'm still rolling for Oberon and hope my SQ would be enough but I REALLY don't think I'll get him after this!