On the impact of Rebirth's ending.

I've read people say that the scene with Aerith was robbed of its impact.
I don't agree completely with this sentiment. We have to remember that this is a remake, and so we have prior knowledge of what was going to happen.
The fact that Cloud is convinced that she's still alive and was able to save her, to me is as much as a punch in the gut. He's completly delusional, crazy and broken to the core. I really like this new angle because it allows us to explore an additional layer of Cloud and his relationships with the others. The man is a broken mess and I'm on the edge of my seat wondering how he's going to deal with it in part 3. I legitemetly felt broken inside seeing him pretending that everything is alright. I'm even more scared of what will happen to Cloud at this point, compared to Aerith, which we were already prepared for. I'm not prepare to what kind of f**kery Cloud is going to go through in part 3. Yikes.