"Just put yourself out there" is the dumbest advice anyone can give
I'm probably gonna get down voted to hell but I had to get this off my chest. I fucking hate this useless "advice" so much. It's so vague and absolutely impractical especially once you hit a certain age. Also the reason this advice is stupid is because when they say "go to activity groups or events" they always assume every area, location has those readily available to go to. In my area such "events" or activities are few, far and between, at least the free ones. Spending boat loads of money a week to regularly see people is a risky move, and not everyone can afford that as well. We have inflation to thank for that one. Even if there were many FREE places to go to meet people, the reason why this advice on paper works but in the practical sense doesn't, especially for us FAs is because most people go for the actual activity, the moment (and I have literally experienced this first hand myself) that they sense you're trying to befriend them or if it's SO you're looking for, you can see the shift happen live time, their entire body language, tonality changes. The people who may try to rebuttal this by saying to build a rapport with someone takes time, I call bullshit on that as well.
Most of my close friends that I had in the past happened quick. The longer it takes, the less they care about your existence overall. There maybe some exceptions obviously but other people can also attest to this as well and that is because to build a friendship there has to be momentum, and if it takes super long for someone to wanna be your friend that momentum can get lost. The main issue with this "advice" is that the demographic or the place they want us to go is surrounded by people who don't need this advice in the first place, meaning they're the type of folks who don't need or want new friends. I know this because hell, most people these days have a hard time maintaining friendships that they already have, yet these people who give us these platitudes expect us to believe they will have their arms wide open for losers like us? Pfftt, give me a break. These people just get their fucking rocks off by saying this horse shit, or saying things like "tOuCh gRaSs". They know in today's time, that shit mostly doesn't work. Also go to what activity or event exactly? Pottery class? LMAO....Yoga, Pilates? (If you're a guy you will be labeled a creep real fast and in a hurry) Music events? (Sorry that doesn't really exist in my area)....
I mean if you wanna see how dead things are where I live, get this. On the meetup website and all around my area within a 30 mile radius were all through zoom meetings, no in person meet ups....I don't know what it's gonna take for these people to get it through their thick skulls that this "advice" is bullshit. Ironically this advice works for people who don't even need it to begin with, the people who need it are actually ghosted, flaked constantly when they actually do it. Even saying all this, like I said I've tried this "advice", went to the few "events" or meet ups that happen once in a blue in my area, and most people gave me the cold shoulder. A few people were very open to small talk and light conversation but THAT'S IT. The harsh cold reality is once you're passed college age, most people do not have or want to invest the time and energy it takes to make let alone maintain a friendship. I'm not even being negative, I'm sorry they just don't. It's the sobering truth