Think I ruined my life
Over the holidays (as I'm dating someone new) and deal with a bit of performance anxiety, I decided to try some meds to help, Cialis specifically. After using it a few times, I noticed my floaters much more prominently and feel like there are significantly more. It is all I can focus on now. I know that I have had floaters in the past, enough to bother me, but now it is all I see. I have about 6-7 in the right (black dots, cobwebs, clear ones) and 3-4 in the left. I'm really have a hard time accepting that this is self inflicted and all I had to do was NOT take the meds and this is for life now. I'm 38 btw. Any suggestions? I've already seen an ophthalmologist and an optometrist who both said my eyes look super healthy, but I suspect they could not even see my floaters. Vitrectomy seems to guarantees cataracts so I'm in a bad spot.