The only person who actually wants to spend time with me was my small group leade

So we met at a conference. He told me I look like a cool guy and we should hang out sometime. He was a really charming person and I felt like he cared about me because it seemed like he valued our friendship. He told me he was starting a small group next year and invited me to join. I was actually a freshman in college and I was so attached to him I actually decided to switch my major to psychology. During the summer I offered to hang out but he said he was busy

So now fast forward to my sophomore year and I'm his small group. He would send me "personal invites" to our large group meetings and made me feel really valued. None of the people in my small group wanted to hang out with me as they claimed they were "busy". However as time wore along he also pressured me to get baptized and get more involved within the group and since I trusted him I went with it all. He also was wanting me to find other people to hang out with other than my current group because he felt like I didn't fit in. He was also very hot and cold with me there were times when he actually was engaging with me and his charming self came out, and times where he subtly acted weird towards me, and this stuff normally happened in private in public he was very sociable towards me. I started trauma dumping to him because he was also sharing personal information about himself.

Now my birthday was in November. He said he wanted to take me out but didn't invite anyone else out. Originally we were looking for a restaurant and then we settled on going to McDonald's at 11 pm and then he took me to a remote location and told me how awesome I am and he's so happy he's in my small group and that he's so grateful we're friends.