Differences between extreme horror and splatterpunk

I'm by no means an expert, but I'm old school.

I remember back when extreme horror was written purely for shock value.

Back when splatterpunk had that underlying message and counterculture angst.

Not to say the two can't overlap, but still....

I'm shocked how many posts I see when people say something along the lines that they read EH expecting a splatterpunk experience and was sorely disappointed. Sure, if you're looking for a deep message within something that was written purely for shock value. .. Of course you didn't enjoy it then.

And also, I even read a book recently that the author claimed was splatterpunk, but it felt more EH to me.

And in my opinion, true Splatterpunk has come and gone for the most part. Not saying newer books can't have splatpunk themes, but nothing compares to years ago.

When did the language get so murky?

Who is to blame? Authors for not explaining this clearer? Readers for not learning the difference?

Language evolves and changes. Maybe I'm just a dinosaur.

However, I won't gatekeep, but this is just EH vs SP in a nutshell to me.

Advice for people reading EH expecting SP< read more SP. You'd probably be happier