my vagina smells like sulfur hate 😔

You guyssssss. You guys. I had such high hopes for this book! I’ve heard very good things about the author S.C….

But I actually thought the writing was very (very) bad. I thought several parts were redundant, the author has a habit of being extremely repetitive with the same words (example: The camera lights flashed. As the camera lights flashed, she blah blah blah).

Personally I do not like writing that is repetitive or non-descriptive — I went from exquisite corpse and woom to MVSLS and S.C’s writing is a HUGE flop, at least in this book, in my opinion. The most descriptive aspects of the book are the torture/gore which is understandable but I do not think it makes up for the high school level writing the remainder of the book has.

I’m not at the end yet but I don’t think the last few chapters can make up for the limited writing and vocabulary. Idk it just gives very much high schooler writing torture porn for the dark web and I don’t like it 😭

What do yall think???