Why all this, if the intention was to encourage people to write on behalf of NG?

She claims she is all about "Justice for Nick".....she never neglects to repeat her mantra "A disabled man with autism and diminished capacity, that was receiving a permanent disability check" in nearly every single video....She wants her audience to do this for her and write the governor of Missouri, to support his application for clemency. She gives instructions on what to say, the deadline and address. You'd think this 10 minute video would be all about NG legal struggles, what clemency is, what type of clemency he is seeking and some examples of why she and her fellow creators want to support him in this, right?

Well, guess what?? There was a whole 1 minute and 10 seconds dedicated to, asking for people to write!! Yes, the other 9 minutes of her video was more recycled content of HERSELF, and more of her repeating the same thing....."Oh, the woman who killed her mom for sausage and was never abused....." She damn well knows there are no new viewers to her videos, so WHY would she keep feeding this same bs to her subs? She is using the old trick the enemies of the Allied forces in WW2 used...."If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" I'm sure she has no idea that many a dictator in the past have used this very tactic to brainwash their people. It frustrates me because she makes these videos with NOTHING new, just stringing a bunch of old clips together and getting clicks and views. Again, tell me how you arent profitting off a crime, like everybody else covering this crime??

I do not like or support Gypsy because I have my own feelings about her. I dont support NG just being released back into the world, either. I dont think DeeDee was a monster and I dont think she was momma-of-the-year. Like so much of this, there IS a middle ground and thats what my issue with ALL these people on all sides neglect to address!