Just beat season 2. My thoughts (no spoilers)

I just beat season 2 (main quests only). I'm very impressed with how this turned out. Relative to the base game and season 1, it's more quality than quantity.

In addition to stuff we expect (small quality of life improvements, more trucks, snow, etc), here are things that impressed me (no spoilers)

  • Missions with the wheeled electric drone was more fun than I expected
  • The background stories behind each missions are better executed. In the base game and season 1, you just go checkpoint to checkpoint, and the text bubble will narrate what is happening with the story. But in season 2, there's animations, assets you can see on the level, etc. The story isn't just narrated to you in a text bubble, it's visually told to you too. The stories actually captivated me.

One thing I wish they did is fix the map's compass. I'm glad they added this few months ago, but I don't know why it's a realistic compass (the circle thing with a North-South dial, which is hard to interpret). It really should be the same compass as the rest of the game (the bar on top of the screen)