USA family getting ready to hit FIRE number — help us decide where in Europe to move to
35F and 36M with a 1-year old baby. We currently live in the U.S. I have Croatian, Bosnian, and U.S. citizenship while my husband and baby only have U.S. citizenship. We have been on the FIRE path for 10 years and currently have about $1.1 million in our American retirement accounts (IRAs, 401ks, Brokerage Accounts). We also have a home that we can sell for a profit of about $300k. Our FIRE goal is $1.5 million so we are very close. We would like to FIRE in Europe.
Where in Europe would be a good city and/or country for us to retire with $1.5 million? Here's our criteria: 1. Sunshine preferred but not dreadfully hot (beaches and mountains a plus but not mandatory). We live in Florida and HATE the heat and humidity. 2. Not freezing cold. We don’t mind the cold as long as it’s not unbearable. 3. Welcoming people. We want to be able to feel like we belong and also want to be able to make new local friends easily since we are starting our lives over. We want to assimilate into the local culture and not just meet other American expats. 4. Good public transportation and accessibility to an airport since we will still have family in the U.S. we want to visit. 5. We are vegan and atheist so perhaps somewhere that we won't feel totally out of place. 6. Tax rates on American retirement accounts aren't going to chip away at our wealth too quickly. 7. Good schools -- we'd like for our child to learn English in school in addition to the local language if possible. 8. It is safe for women. I want my daughter to grow up feeling safe to walk by herself. 9. Ability to get a simple job in case of market downturn so we don't have to draw from our portfolio in a worst case scenario. 10. Access to nature and lots of parks. We want to have an abundance of things to do since we'll have a lot more free time. 11. Low chance of natural disasters.
We understand that no place is perfect and that this is a very specific list, but I'd love to hear if there's any place that comes close to meeting these "wish list" items.