How to make a Body Recomposition workout routine
My friend (23F) and I (21F) started going to the gym a few months ago. We both wanted to lose weight but that’s her primary goal while I’d say body recomp is mine. We’ve been pretty loose with it, spending like an 20 min on the Planet fitness treadmill and then picking something (legs, abs) doing one or two machines. She flakes a fair amount tho and I can’t go without her.
Anyway I weighed myself today and I’m 10 pounds heavier than when I started which has me super bummed. So I wanna get serious and start following a more regimented routine but I can’t figure out how to make one. All the articles I read and the tik toks and YouTube videos I watch give a bunch of vague advice about progressive overload and such but nothing specific.
How do I decide how I split up my muscles groups or if I should just do full body workouts. How often do I need to strength train or how many different exercises do I need to do for each muscle group in a workout? I feel like I’m probably overthinking this but none of the resources I look at are simple and easy to do at home when I can’t go to the gym