Help with pumps!!
Hi! I’m 5 weeks postpartum and I’m struggling to find the right pump for me. I’ve been using the Momcozy S12 (I got through insurance) since my supply came in and it worked well the first two weeks but has started to be inconsistent and not emptying my breasts as much as they should.. I reached out to the company and they’re sending a replacement. In the meantime I got the Lansinoh wearable pump and I’d give it a generous 3/10 so I will unfortunately be returning it. I like that both are wearable so that it gives me the freedom to be able to take care of my 4 y/o and baby but I’m nervous that after momcozy sends me a replacement, it’s going to stop working again.
Sooooo with that being said, any recommendations for wearable pumps??