Struggling after a breast reduction
I had a breast reduction 10 years ago, so when I got pregnant this past year, I had no idea what my milk production or breastfeeding journey would look like. To my surprise, I started leaking colostrum at 28 weeks, which gave me hope that I would be able to breastfeed!
Fast forward to birth: I was induced at 37+3 due to preeclampsia, and my baby had a very tough time latching. Two days in, with a very hungry baby and sore, cracked nipples, we decided to supplement with formula. I immediately started pumping to keep the colostrum going, and my milk came in about 4-5 days postpartum.
Now, at 5 weeks postpartum, I’m pumping 7-10 times a day (depending on my energy), and it is so difficult. I produce an average of 14oz per day, which is nowhere near enough to keep up with my baby’s hunger. My breasts have different letdown times, with my left letting down much faster than my right. The right barely produces anything, and the most I’ve ever pulled from it is 1oz. My breasts take forever to empty, sometimes max flow at 20-23 minutes of pumping (it can easily take 45 minutes for full output). I have to knead and massage my breasts to fully empty them, and a few times when I haven't, I've had sharp pain, which I think might be the start of clogged ducts.
My baby has started latching, but the long wait for a letdown means a lot of crying, screaming, and, more often than not, using a bottle. At this point, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to breastfeed successfully. Even if he latches properly, I don’t produce nearly enough to fill him up. I’ve tried everything—power pumping, eating more calories than I’d like, hydrating with coconut water, Gatorade, etc.—but nothing is increasing my supply.
Now, on top of all of that, my baby is dealing with severe reflux and gas. We’ve switched to hypoallergenic formula to see if it helps, so all of my breast milk is currently going into the freezer.
To make matters worse, I feel like I spend more time attached to my breast pump than actually with my baby. My husband has taken over most of the feedings because pumping takes up so much of my time. I tried wearable pumps, but the output was so bad I couldn’t justify using them. At this point, the idea of going back to work while pumping seems too stressful and time-consuming.
I don’t even know what I’m looking for with this post. It’s midnight, I’m power pumping, and I’m dreading every pump session from here on out. I’m feeling completely defeated.