I hate the Elvie Stride

I just started back to work last week after my 4 month leave. I decided to use my Elvie stride because I wasn’t going to take my spectra back and fourth from home (I take the train and it would be really inconvenient) and my the Elvie’s hold more milk than my M5’s. I was holding out hope that they would work better than I remembered.

They are awful! They don’t fit right, suction sucks and they don’t empty me out. I’ve now noticed a dip in my supply. That could have also happened from stress of being at work.

I finally had enough today after getting milk in the tubing and have bought a used spectra to bring to work. It will stay in the little room they have assigned to me. I have extra tubing and flanges through insurance.

This is just a rant and if anyone is thinking of buying the original Elvie stride, don’t do it!!