Holy awful (no pun intended)

I just finished watching evil and all I can say is what even was that?? Maybe I am just not getting it but there didn’t actually seem to be a real like plot ? The plot just seemed to be Leland = evil. But like why? Every time it seemed like something mattered or that Leland had a plan, nothing happened or it was just completely forgotten. It seemed like Kurt sold his soul or something? Then testified against Leland and… nothing?!? Lesley(?) going away with the judge then him killing her and no one seems to know where she went. Was she not in jail??? And we’re just ok with the fact she’s gone?? Seems like the show writers of each episode didn’t actually watch any episodes before. And the baby being a demon and the show just ENDING?? Ridiculous. So many other issues I couldn’t even list them all.

I could go on forever, why I actually watched the whole show? I have no idea. Wish I didn’t. Honestly would NOT recommend.

Can someone explain if something just went TOTALLY over my head?