Happy International Women Day Ladies, please share your EDC 👇

Happy International Women's Day. I know we've only a fraction of female audience here and there are not many Women in EDC in general, but if you are here do share your EDC with us here

and for Men, you can encourage your sisters, gf, wife, partner to share their respective EDC here

Promotion: if any woman wanna pick an Acacia vault or a Man for his sister, girlfriend, wife or mom then use code 'QUEENS' to get 20% flat off today and tomorrow on : https://apx.tools

Cheers and happy carrying!

Happy International Women's Day. I know we've only a fraction of female audience here and there are not many Women in EDC in general, but if you are here do share your EDC with us here

and for Men, you can encourage your sisters, gf, wife, partner to share their respective EDC here

Promotion: if any woman wanna pick an Acacia vault or a Man for his sister, girlfriend, wife or mom then use code 'QUEENS' to get 20% flat off today and tomorrow on : https://apx.tools

Cheers and happy carrying!