why? just why

is this a glitch? i warped to gates with contraband NOT KNOWING IT WAS CONTRABAND and got fined, but i was already jumping to another system when they fined me and asked if i wanted to hand it over or be destroyed. i clicked the “get destroyed “ button but i guess since i was already changing sessions, they didn’t shoot at me. anyways im not 200 million isk in debt and im deleting this character. :(

(this happened 3 times, i jumped thru the star gate but they wouldn’t shoot at me on the other side, just fine me)

is this a glitch? i warped to gates with contraband NOT KNOWING IT WAS CONTRABAND and got fined, but i was already jumping to another system when they fined me and asked if i wanted to hand it over or be destroyed. i clicked the “get destroyed “ button but i guess since i was already changing sessions, they didn’t shoot at me. anyways im not 200 million isk in debt and im deleting this character. :(

(this happened 3 times, i jumped thru the star gate but they wouldn’t shoot at me on the other side, just fine me)