I think the new Etrian Oddysey titles should remove our location from the map...
So I had the itch to try some of the older dungeon delving games that the Etrian Oddysey franchise comes from. I started with Might and Magic 1. Let me tell you, that was ROUGH going in blind. But it does make me realize that the map-making of EO is a bit... toothless?
Even forgetting auto-mapping of floors and/or walls, just knowing where we are on the map and the direction we are facing makes actually mapping it out kind of busy work. Because of graphical limitations of ye olde games, as most people know, you had to map out the dungeons by hand on a separate piece of paper. However, until I actually played it, I didn't realize how difficult that was, because you didn't have a way to tell where you actually were at any given moment unless you used an ability (that cost SP/MP) that gave you your coordinated and direction.
I think that when a new Etrian Odyssey is released, they should have a mode that removes the icon and it takes a resource to locate yourself, so that you're actually mapping the dungeon out..