I appear to have interpreted strangers very wrong.
So umm, never did a lot of reading outside of lyrics and honestly? I was very wrong about strangers.
And by very wrong I mean I am way happier with my idea of the song and will choose to think of it as that because I have been for the past year or so.
Like I had found an entirely diffrent interpretation of quite literally EVERY single lyric and was convinced it was a song about falling in love again after an abusive relationship. That sun bleached flies was a nostalgic look back at her childhood, not accepting the abuse but reminiscing on the handful of nice times of it. Like the bus rides to Sunday school or her dad taking her to the fair kinda shit.
I thought strangers was about how after she escaped the guy she didn’t go back to her mom, but left to try to find happiness again, and that she’d sort of forgiven her mom. Not enough to want her in her life yet, but was no longer angry.
I thought turning in your stomach and making you feel sick was about wanting this new person to feel how she felt about him. Nauseous with anxiety and excitement about what awaited them.
I didn’t think it was a moment of healthy recovery, but a moment of at the very least moving on from abuse which she seemed to struggle with the entire album.
Y’all I thought it was about accepting your scars and learning to move on.
Apparently that is not what this song is about… I have very strange feelings about this.
Still a gorgeous song though and I am going to choose to believe my version is correct because I really identified with my view of it and am happy with it.