No contact father sent me a card with unexpected message

Backstory: I’ve gone no-contact with my parents who live out of state. I would usually text with my mom and keep up with my dad over Facebook but it got so toxic that I deactivated my account. I haven’t seen him since Oct but I did send him a gift card for Xmas. That was the last thing I sent. I have since ignored both of their birthdays.

Today I got a card in the mail addressed to my last name only - and the gift card was taped to the inside. He wrote inside the card, saying the numbers were rubbed off and the store wouldn’t let him use it and maybe if I have the receipt I can get my money back. No hello, no goodbye. Just the message about the gift card. I don’t even know how to take it. Is this an attempt to pretend nothing has happened? Head games?

(For anyone wondering it was a legit card and I did pay for it. I think he damaged it while removing it from the packaging.)