Just started researching trusts and have a few questions
Current Situation sorry it is detailed
Florida residents married (real male and real female) in early 50's
two children from marriage both adults, one special needs
No unknown children though I was a whore until I met my wife so anything could pop up in the future and my mother recently disclosed that someone called her about 10 years ago (who she didn't know) and asked if she wanted to meet her grandchild. My mother politely declined but didn't tell me this until recently.
Current combined income 300k a year
To be contributed to the trust:
25k initially in cash from me
My mother assets my portion will be roughly
about 100k from her 401k when she passes
75k in cash
75k from sale of house
I mention this, because my mother wants to make sure her assets pass to ME and then to my kids. While I doubt my wife and I get a divorce after 25 years she just prefers to be protective of what's left when she dies. She had a friend who died, and the son's wife managed to wrangle a large portion of the inheritance away from the friend's son after a couple years.
SN Child gets $967 a month in disability to be contributed in its entirety monthly
401k current balance Roth 875k and company match 250k
I am outside of my own job I have been building a small business from scratch. Current profit not included above is roughly 60k a year
house and most other assets at death
My thought is to create a trust that will last multiple generations. Me as the first, then when I pass goes to my kids. When my wife dies any remaining 401k funds go into the trust along with house and most other assets for benefit of kids and their kids etc until the trust runs out of money.
The main questions I have is there a trust which would not hurt my daughters' benefits while also providing for my son and his future children and their children?
Question two, can I manage the investments in the trust while a trustee manages the distribution
Does the IRA stretch rule apply when in a trust?
Do distributions that originate from the ROTH become taxable to heirs?
I ask this because inherited IRAs can be taken from creditors from what I have read. My son is in a high- risk profession for lawsuits, and I would not want him to lose my 401k if sued
Is there a way to make distributions tax free (trust pays taxes on the distribution?) I don't want to force or cause my son to be put into a higher tax bracket
Is there a way to block any unknown children from the trust just in case. Not a dick but if they didn't want to know me during my life, they don't need my money after I am gone.
I would also appreciate any other knowledge you might be able to pass on while I begin researching all of this or questions I should ask or things I should present when I find an attorney that is a good fit
Thanks for any responses