I think Hookup Culture was designed to make us dumber
To preface this: I’m not a religious nut that wants you to walk around with a chastity belt until marriage. It’s a okay to have sex with someone if you do it out of love for the person.
After listening to others speaking about this topic and some reflection. I’ve come to the realization that Hookup Culture was designed and pushed to make the general public dumber.
What do you mean ‘Dumber’ ? You may ask.
I mean it was designed to make us revert from our spiritual or normal state, into a more animalistic state.
There’s a reason so many social media apps promote sexual content and why the internet made it much easier to access XXX content. It’s to make men (mostly) crave for sex so much that it overrides their mind, while these apps tell women that being overly sexual will make them feel better about themselves because of the attention it brings.
Which brings about the rise of Hookup Culture, Guys are programmed to be horny 24/7, so they download Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc. While women are programmed that their sex drive is their “empowerment” and they do the same. Now statistically, only 30% men are sleeping with these women in these apps, so what does the rest of the 70% do? They go impulsively masturbate to XXX content, pay for titty streamers and OF to fulfill their programming.
As the those who are having sex consistently (with multiple people)
If not carefully controlled, that man/woman will be at a lower state because they took on and mixed energies with multiple people, taking on their traumas, anxieties, tendency for bad habits etc. without even knowing it. Effectively removing a person from their gnosis state to chasing after sex constantly like an animal relying on instinct/set programming. If sex can create life, then there is a possibility that powerful energy is involved in that as well.
Ideas like the Red pill (the social media version) play into this as well by making men chase material things to bang a bunch of women when in reality these men are doomed from the start because their minds are being set to only do these things for sex, instead of doing it to make themselves better.