Spawn Rushing
This might just be me, as I haven't really seen a whole lot of talk about this on this subreddit.
But has anyone else noticed an increasing abundance of players rushing spawns? I see it all the time on factory of course, but lately I have been doing customs runs for the past day or so to try and get the factory key, to no avail so far. Almost every other raid there is a pmc or even sometimes a group of pmcs that are nearly fully kitted and rush the spawn and my raid is over in < 30 seconds.
No I'm not just going in with a hatchet. If I get spawn killed with a hatchet I don't lose anything so it doesn't really bother me. But an 80k+ death due to getting mowed down by 3 guys with fort and m4s in less than a minute gets a little frustrating.
Maybe I just suck at the game. I love the risk/reward aspect of this game and I am fine with losing my stuff in a raid as long as that death was because there was something that I could have done to avoid it.
Thoughts? Anyone else seen this happen alot?