What's the point of PVE [Discussion]
I bought PVE because I can't comprehend half the time what's happening on PVP and can't get past the starting tasks cause all I find is giga chads but PVE feels like worse somehow than PVP, the loot is awful. I just went on woods at emercom base i was the first there, almost all tech and ration crates are empty, what the fuck is this, what's the point? I get that having as much loot as PVP would make it too easy but this is just garbage, half the time I run around the map killing 40 scavs with 400 bullets just to extract with some nails and screws
EDIT: I tried doing a local raid instead of BSG servers and I got like 300k from the plane crash site, found like 2 golden eggs and some other stuff, things I didnt find before playing on the servers so maybe local has loot different