Tarkov Loadouts - randomizer companion web app [Discussion]

Fellow PMCs! Sharing a personal project I created while learning front end web development. I've seen a few loadout generators here and there so I wanted to try my hand at building my own. Majority of the work I completed over the past 2 years but revisited to touch up a few things and also to ensure it still functions well with all the new items that have been added over the past several patches.

Check it out here: https://www.tarkov-loadouts.com/

And special thanks to the maintainers of https://tarkov.dev/ for providing the community with an awesome api.


  • Loadout generator which includes your primary weapon, helmet, headphones, armor, rig, and backpack
  • Map randomizer with the ability to veto maps
  • Injector cocktail generator: creates a combo of 4 injectors to be used during the raid (I made this during the obdolbos-Russian-roulette event because who doesn't love being Tarkov'd?)
  • Jaeger Challenges - cause the BS this man puts us through wasn't enough


  • for whatever reason, flares are categorized as weapons. So if you lucky enough to roll a flare in the weapon slot, just bring a rig full of them. Or roll again
  • I tried to account for all equipment incompatible combos (headphones + helmets & tac-rig + armors) but I'm sure a couple will slip through

For any other developers: You can check out the repo by following the link in the About section of the site

For the scavs: sorry guys, no soup for you :P