[Feedback] Can something be done with AI spawns seemingly feeling infinite in PVE?

I've recently just stopped playing tarkov PvE (and tarkov in general because the constant wipes and cheating drained any motivation to keep playing pvp) because every other map i play, i would eventually run into the issue where i will have to endlessly fight scavs. They would spawn less then 20 meters away from me and just b-line to go after me.

You can only fight so many scavs until one of them decides to throat/head-eyes you. So many rounds i will just play for 30 minutes only to get killed by a scav somewhere hiding in grass after i just killed 3 other scavs roughly around the same position.

Maybe this is located purely in customs (i don't think it is, but it might have a larger amount of spawns with it for sure), but i have died more to random AI scavs then i have against bosses or ai pmc's which just is wild to me.

That and overal AI seems just so unnatural aswell. Scavs looking in the direction of where you are or enemy pmc's are through walls, AI just straight up running at you even though you've made barely any sounds, you name it. I feel AI is a massive issue right now and a major reason for me (and a friend of mine) why PvE just feels unfun.