Last night Tarkov felt so good
Last night Tarkov felt fantastic. Ran Interchange banging out early Ragman tasks (I put them off because I generally don’t love Interchange). First raid I successfully planted the Gzhel armors by the stage and managed 3 shooter born shots on PMCs throughout the raid. Good PVP raid and extracted with good loot. Second raid I managed 2 more shooter born shots and when heading into Avokado to place the helmets and comtacs I got lit up by a suppressed SMG. Flank into the back of Generic and mag dump Killa! Make off with his loot, finish Ragman’s quest, and managed to go grab the 2 books in the bookstores for another Ragman quest. Head to Emercom extract and absolutely destroy an extract camper on top of the flatbed truck. Extracted with Killa’s helmet for the Jaeger task I don’t have unlocked yet.
When Tarkov feels good it feels soooo good. I’ve been getting annihilated by cheaters this wipe, especially trying to play Lighthouse. Back to back raids like these remind me why I love this game. Stay strong friends, don’t let the cheaters ruin your love for the game. But also BSG plz do something.